The dreaming machine

You see zigzag through me

I don’t hate it better.

I’m thinking of you.

But not so fondly.

When we meet at R4, we shall reunite permanently.

Until then, the moon will be in retrograde.

P.S. Music has been missing in my life.

What a tragedy.

Now is the time to be inspired.

I know you’re not ready for this.

You’ll never be.


I don’t feel good about this. At all.

I know its the “right” thing to do.

I deserve this.

And so does he.

I hope I won’t regret this for life.

I hope everything will fall into place.

We deserve happiness. Especially him.

I’ll always be your’s.

Your ming a ling.

My grandma fell asleep listening to comforting sounds.

I love my poh poh.

“It’s hard to make sense. Feels as if I’m sensing you through a lens.” 

One more night

The truth is that equal love is non-existent.

If it still prevailed, it aged.

The melody swirled with the trumpet and her clear, husky voice.

He danced with his elephantine moves.

She could not stop staring at the man she adored

and her last thought was

“Would one more night help?”

He reached for her hand and looked deep into her fixated eyes.

“Darling, please listen to me. Let me in.”

It rained ferrets that night.


Shouldered by the things that we could never understand, we live each day like tomorrow’s waiting for us patiently. We understood what was nothing when we hugged a dear one and felt no comfort. No remorse. That was what it was to be. We say the right things to fast forward the days. No more regression. Always regrets. C’est la vie.